Miracles of Classical Homoeopathy. Chapter 19

Strikes Two Incurables in One Stroke (Eczema on Elbows)


One day I went to meet the Director in charge of the Department of Homoeopathic Medicine, Government of Kerala, in Thiruvananthapuram. There I happened to meet a Member of Parliament. During our conversation, I noticed blood stains on the sleeves of his kurta. On enquiry, he explained to me about the chronic eczema he was suffering from. His tone was full of disappointment and hopelessness. He went on to say that over a period of time, he had tried treatment from different systems, but got only temporary relief. When I told him that his disease was curable through Homoeopathy, he was desperate to start the treatment as early as possible.


A few days later he came to my clinic. While I took his case history, he said that he was also suffering from partial deafness and was recommended to undergo surgery. He told me that I need not bother treating him for his defective hearing because he feared that I may give less importance to his more disturbing ailment. I smiled and asked him whether it bothered him if he got a complete cure for his deafness as well, along with eczema. He laughed and replied that he would consider himself the most privileged person on earth if that was to happen.


I understood that his eczema was in a suppressed state following long years of treatment. I cautioned him about the possible flare

up of his skin ailment upon starting the treatment. I then warned him that I was going to let loose a monster and that he might have to suffer the skin disease in its worst form for some time. He gave me his consent to proceed. I gave him one dose of Kreosotum 1M and asked him to wait for at least a month.


However, he called me after a week and told me that his skin disease had spread to other parts of his body and asked if I could visit him. I went and met him at his residence. He was resting on an easy chair with his limbs resting on arecanut fronds. A good amount of discharge was collected on the frond. But in spite of his immense suffering, he was eager to meet me and share with me a good news. After a week of commencing treatment, one day he was shuddered by a booming sound emanating from his inner ear. He was astonished to realise that he had regained his hearing completely. This gave him all the will power and faith to continue Homoeopathic treatment. He was extremely happy and relieved that a surgery could be avoided.


I advised him to clean the skin patches and apply starch poultice. His skin lesions continued to spread to other parts of his body with a lot of oozing. But within a few months his skin lesions subsided entirely. Thus he was permanently cured of his eczema as well as defective hearing.

Kreosotum was selected because of the characteristic location of the lesion, on the extensor aspect of joints and 1M potency because of the chronicity.




While observing the patient, two vital points I noticed were the specific location of the eczema on the extensor aspects of the joints and his partial deafness. Often physicians look at these two as different maladies to be handled separately by a dermatologist and an ENT specialist. Every eruption of eczema would be looked at as a local ailment of the skin, in which the remaining organism takes no part at all. They consider that the skin lesions were to be remedied through topical applications and the deafness corrected through surgery.


The MP's case was no different when he came to me. This is a typical case of Psora theory where the original malady, the eczema, necessarily got suppressed by a multitude of faulty remedies, producing the secondary symptom of deafness. A true homoeopath in such a situation can connect the dots and draw a portrait of the patient that includes all his ailments.


It all started with the skin. Through the prompt removal of the suppressed skin lesions, all possible sequelae from its suppression were wiped out and internal balance restored. Conjuring a complete picture of the illness and treating it comprehensively brought him double relief.


The physician has to remain extremely focussed while analyzing the distress signals sent by the body through different organs as different ailments. The physician's acumen lies in differentiating between the root cause and the secondary symptoms while studying and exploring the evolution of the disease in each case.








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