Dr. Isaac's Academy Full Updated PROGRAM (SCHEDULE 2024-2025)




      November 01 - November 28, 2024 



🌐 Organizers: 

Olga Yurievna Levina

+7 903 2408378 




      December 01 - 19, 2024

🔸1 and 2 modules of Basic course on Homeopathy.


🌐 Organizers: 

Olga Yurievna Levina

+7 903 2408378 




      January 02 - 22, 2025 



🌐 Organizers: 

Olga Yurievna Levina

+7 903 2408378 




      January 25 - February 12, 2025




 I seminar - 25.01.25 - 02.02.25

 "Management of 50 common disorders"

II seminar - 04.02.25 - 12.02.25

 "Use of small remedies in Practice"


🌐 Organizers: 

Natalia Lakhtina,

+7 905 985-77-40




      February 19 - March 09, 2025

🔸7 and 8 modules of Basic course on Homeopathy.


🌐 Organizers: 

Olga Yurievna Levina

+7 903 2408378 




DR. JOSE ISAAC BSc, BHMS, PGCR, MF(HOM), MD is a third–generation homeopathic doctor, methodist, former chairman of several departments of the State Commission on Homeopathy of India, founder of the Dr. Isaac Academy of Homeopathy, which is named after his father, the late K. J. Isaak. His father studied under a student of Kent (a student of Hahnemann) - Dr. B.K.Bose, at the Calcutta Homeopathic College (India). Thus, the knowledge and experience of classical Homeopathy are transmitted in the family in a direct line from Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the method of Homeopathy. Dr. Jose Isaac's father was a well-known practitioner and founder of the Homeopathic College in Trivandrum (Kerala, India), in 2019 he received the All India Award for Outstanding achievements in the professional field.  

Dr. Jose Isaac has been successfully practicing the homeopathic method of treatment for more than 35 years, conducts daily clinical appointments, until 2018 he was head of the Department of Philosophy of Homeopathy and taught at the State Homeopathic Medical College of Trivandrum (Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College), which was founded by his father. In 2020, Dr. Jose Isaac received the All India National Award as the "Best Teacher of Homeopathy".

Dr. Jose was for a long time the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the University of Kerala in the field of Homeopathy, a member of the Central Committee of Homeopathy of India and a member of the Education Committee under the Government of India.

The phenomenon of Professor Jose Isaac is that he combines the experience of a homeopathic practitioner, a teacher with great experience, a scientist under whose leadership numerous studies in the field of clinical Homeopathy and a methodologist of state structures have been conducted. 

Currently, Professor Jose Isaac conducts face-to-face seminars in 7 countries and monthly gives online lectures on the theory of chronic diseases and Materia Medica of homeopathic remedies. In his lectures, Dr. Jose strictly adheres to Hahnemann's concept and this is one of the basic principles of his Academy.

From 2016 to 2019, a Course on classical Homeopathy of Dr. Isaac’s Academy was held in Moscow. This course is based on the basic course of all Indian homeopathic colleges.  The main disciplines are the philosophy of Homeopathy, Repertory and the Materia Medica. 

The program is designed for specialists with higher medical education, students of medical universities and for those who do not have a medical education and are just starting their way and want to get a reliable foundation of knowledge on classical Homeopathy from a real master, as well as for already practicing homeopaths who want to update and strengthen basic knowledge.

The entire course is taught personally by Dr. Jose Isaac in English with translation into Russian.

The uniqueness of the teaching system of Dr. Jose Isaac lies in his practical approach to the topics being analyzed and a very clear explanation of the philosophical foundations of the homeopathic method of treatment.

All students note the unconditional effectiveness of the teaching method of Dr. Jose Isaac, the accessibility of the presentation of the material and the high practical value for independent work. During the course, the treatment of more than 86 diseases is analyzed in detail, the Materia Medica of more than 100 homeopathic remedies is studied.

The course consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part includes the study of two monumental works by S. Hahnemann "Organon of Medicine" and "Chronic Diseases", as well as the study of the works of such classics of Homeopathy as Kent, S. Close, Roberts, Hering, etc. The practical part includes 35 years of experience in the treatment of more than 86 diseases by the professor in his clinic and a detailed analysis of patients in the clinic.

The course consists of 8 modules of 8 days each. 4 modules are read per year, 2 modules at a time. After mastering all 8 modules and completing the final test (written exam), students receive a Certificate from Dr. Isaac’s Academy of Homeopathy.

The training continues extra the modules:

– The Dr. Isaac’s Academy Club gathers monthly, at the meetings of which homeopathic practitioners from Russia, Latvia, USA, Canada, Israel, etc. share their experience and analyze complex cases. Even during quarantine, these meetings continued online;

– a professional chat is constantly running ("24x7"), where every day, more than 300 classical homeopaths communicate, ask their colleagues for advice on especially problematic cases, share knowledge about their related professions (dermatology, gynecology and obstetrics, pharmacology, etc.), and Dr. Jose conducts a Sunday clinical quiz every week.

Some statistics. The first graduation of the course students took place in 2019. During the training, the students were asked 2181 questions, to which Dr. Jose gave exhaustive answers.

Over 4 years, 80 patients attended the group's case taking, and Dr. Jose helped 560 patients in private consultations.

The Materia Medica of Dr. Jose in this course contained 133 remedies, and the number of studied diseases was 85 nosologicalunits with an analysis of 940 remedies used.

35 graduates of the International Basic Course Dr. Isaac’s Academy in Moscow formed the basis of the Dr. Isaac’s Academy Club, whose meetings are held monthly, broadcast online and have over 100 participants from all over the world.

The participants of the seminars and the course also have a unique opportunity to annually, in November and January-March, to have a clinical training at the clinic of Dr. Jose in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. This is a great opportunity to combine a vacation at one of the most popular resorts in Kerala - Kovalam with practical knowledge from a true Master of Homeopathy.