Miracles of Classical Homoeopathy. Chapter 36

Anti-sycotic Management of Pituitary Adenoma (1993)


This 60-year-old man had an easy gait but a commanding presence as he stepped into my clinic. I also noticed that he had a frown in his face showing something was amiss.


As I chronicled his case, I found that he was a retired headmaster from Kochi. Some of the scanned reports presented by him revealed that he had Pituitary macro adenoma and changes of senile atrophy. One striking symptom was that he had great difficulty in recollecting recent events and names of friends, but never forgot the names of his pupils.


This medical condition started with blurred vision in his left eye which progressed into tubular vision.

Sciatica-right leg <long standing>lying down.


Past History

Chronic eczema in childhood. Started losing vision after eczema disappeared.


Appetite - Normal, prefers lukewarm food and drinks.

Likes fish, spicy food, meat, salt++



CT scan of brain showed a mass in the pituitary fossa causing compression of adjacent structures.



I started his treatment on 24-08-1993 with Thuja 30 raising the potency to 1M, 10M and 50M, during a period of two years. He was also administered Arnica 30 to 1M potencies for mitigating the bad effects of compression on the neighbouring structures. Sulphur 200 to 1M potencies was also given to bring out any suppressed skin eruptions. After three years into the treatment, I prescribed Medorrhinum from 1M to 50M potencies. His health condition improved consequently.




He was under my treatment from 1993 - 2000. He was mainly given anti-sycotic treatment, which provided him great relief. A repeat scan done after five years was encouraging. There was no change in the size of the lesion, compared to the earlier scan. He expired in 2012, at the age of 79.


He was virtually leading a miserable life following loss of memory and tubular vision. Amelioration was palpable within a few months of starting Thuja. This case is a typical example of the efficacy of anti-sycotic treatment in neoplasms. I could restore his memory and vision –thanks to Dr. Hahnemann's “Theory of Chronic Diseases”.




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